Social Frontiers Community House Rules

Welcome to the Social Frontiers community! We're excited to have you here. To ensure a positive and productive environment, please read and acknowledge these house rules before participating.

Respect Everyone 🀝
Treat all members with kindness and respect. No discrimination, harassment, or hate speech will be tolerated.

Keep it Confidential 🀫
What happens in the community, stays in the community. Do not share any personal or proprietary information outside this space.

Stay on Topic 🎯
Keep discussions relevant to social media leadership, strategy, and community building. Off-topic posts can be distracting and will be removed.

No Self-Promotion 🚫
This is a learning and sharing space, not a sales platform. Avoid posting promotional content or soliciting business.

Be Helpful and Supportive 🌟
Share your knowledge, answer questions, and support fellow members. We're here to learn and grow together.

Protect Privacy πŸ”’
Do not share personal details about other members without their consent. Respect everyone's privacy.

Constructive Feedback Only πŸ› οΈ
Provide feedback that is helpful and constructive. Critique ideas, not people.

Report Issues 🚨
If you see something that violates these guidelines, report it to the moderators. We’re here to help keep the community safe and positive.

Engage Actively πŸ“’
Participate in discussions, attend events, and contribute to the community. Your active involvement makes this space better for everyone.

Have Fun and Be Yourself πŸ˜ƒ
Enjoy your time here! Bring your authentic self to the community and have fun while learning and growing.

By participating in the Social Frontiers community, you agree to follow these house rules. Let's create an engaging, respectful, and enriching space for everyone!